Office Cleaning

Not Just an Image Business

The success of a company is measured in different ways but ensuring your team has a clean and safe working environment a key performance indicator.

One of our customers said it better then we can “Everybody feels better and works better now that the place is so clean.”

The environment in which you and your staff work is a direct reflection of your company and its standards. It is a crucial part of achieving economic growth.

We Follow a Plan

We supply expert office cleaners, who follows essential rules and a bespoke cleaning services. We audit the cleaning to ensure the schedule is adhered to. We liaise with you on a regular ongoing basis and are flexible to adapt to changing circumstances.

We can work outside your normal operational hours, but we are finding that cleaning during regular working hours is increasing in demand, this has benefits for both you as our customer, and for us as your service provider.

Large and Small, Full-Time and Part-Time, Daily and Weekly

We have a wide range of office cleaning clients; from weekly cleans in small offices (under 1,000 square feet), to regular and daily cleans in larger offices (1,000-10,000 square feet and more) to ‘full service” cleans where we supply a large team of operatives to multi-floor regional or head office-type operations over 10,000 square feet.

Our Cleaning Process

Creative Analysis

Creative analysis is important. It is common for marketers

Design & Scratches

Creative analysis is important. It is common for marketers

Work and Delivery

Creative analysis is important. It is common for marketers

We Always Rise to A Challenge for Example;

Safe Desks

A University of Arizona study revealed that office phones and desks can harbour 25,127 microbes per square inch, by contrast, the average toilet seat contains 49 microbes per square inch. This reflects the conventional wisdom that many clients insist their toilet facilities are cleaned daily but their work-stations less frequently.  

  • Covid-19 has changed this mindset and more attention is now given to your office environment.  
  • When we clean your offices, we’ll ensure that working at your desk is safer than eating off your toilet seat.

The Bottom Line

  • You want it cleaned to a high standard at a commercial price. With our experience and expertise, and a hands-on supervisory approach, we can supply a high quality, Premium Cleaning service, without the Premium price.