Theatres and Leisure Cleaning

Theatres and Leisure Cleaning Service

PREMiClean a high level cleaning Manchester and Warrington that provides Theatre Cleaning and Leisure Cleaning services, understands the need for fantastic customer service and that first impressions
count – even more so when you are in the business of entertaining people’.

Theatre and Cinema Cleaning: Leisure and entertainment facilities have high traffic areas; such as front-of-house, walkways, public toilets, and food retailing areas.

The cleanliness of welcome foyers, ticket booths, bars, and all the public areas of your building make a strong contribution to the overall impression that your customers receive on their experience at your venue. We will work with you to ensure that you have the right level of theatre deep cleaning and Leisure cleaning support often being called on to provide additional services during busy periods of trade, such as school and the Christmas holidays.

  • Standard retail premises – such as clothes and high street boutique stores.
  • Supermarkets – typically the busiest of all shops requiring full-time retail cleaning Manchester and supervision.

Our Cleaning Process

Creative Analysis

Creative analysis is important. It is common for marketers

Design & Scratches

Creative analysis is important. It is common for marketers

Work and Delivery

Creative analysis is important. It is common for marketers

We Always Rise to A Challenge for Example;

Periodic works including carpet and seat cleaning, hard floor polish works, window, and high-level theatre cleaning

We supply cinema cleaning services for when the venue is closed, or in the case of theatres and cinemas, in between individual performances.

Examples of our Leisure cleaning include venues as diverse as 1500-seat theatres, Coronation Street: THE TOUR, and The CRYSTAL MAZE LIVE EXPERIENCE.